Charlotte is reading "Lord of the Rings"

目前分類:Entertainment (24)

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Your Pimp Name Is...

cosmoslibra 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

You Are Barney

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I was watching "Oprah & YouTube" on Channel 5 this morning, and they introduced a few videos...

This must be one of the most hilarious videos I've seen so far...

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cosmoslibra 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

The last of the Harry Potter saga is to be produced in 2 films!
Harry Potter fans should be excited as the director and producers felt that the last book had too much details, so they decided to separate it into two films.

Finally! An utterly complete film that goes with the utterly complete book. How could it be complete if the producers cut off the exciting and amazing details!?

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  • May 11 Sun 2008 16:20
  • 置頂 Muse

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cosmoslibra 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

 Has anyone seen the movie "The Spiderwick Chronicles"?

I haven't...

But I'd really like to.

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I profess myself to be a huge, HUGE, HUGE fan of Johnny Depp...

So, here's a list of the movies he's been in so far in chronological order...

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This is a passage I read while studying, and I thought it was really good. Besides, I love "Jewel in the Palace"...

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  • Nov 26 Mon 2007 11:24
  • 置頂 Acting

You Should Be an Actor

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Okay... Today was our first dance workshop...

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Today, we had our very last rehearsal for tomorrow's performance...

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Okay, let's see...

For today's workshop, Shaiful and Gavin wanted to hear us sing...

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For the musical workshop on Saturday, the instructor wants us to prepare a song to sing in front of everyone because they want to hear our vocal range and see if we are able to project our voice well.

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This movie came out on Mediacorp--Channel 5 at 10.30 pm on Saturday, June 2, 2007.

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Just watched "Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix" yesterday. Sadly, it was not as good as I hoped it would be. Though the director gave the movie a truly spectacular feel, the scenes were not as fulfilling as the book...

Generally, it was a good movie. But, I have a question for the makers of the film: why did they make the movie the shortest of the five so far when in terms of pages, it's the thickest?

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