
How much I've done so far this week...

Dear PBrother,

That was the most absurdly funny parody of "The 12 Days of Christmas" I've ever seen. Though one must admit that it is true, no matter how absurdly funny.

When I first started home-schooling, everyone kept talking to me about missing things, like prom night, graduation night, etc.... Seriously... I couldn't reply them, because I just didn't see the point in doing so.

I admit, I did consider missing prom night and stuff like that just before I started home-schooling, then I realised that those were just tiny little things. Unless someone tells me that he or she goes to school for prom night, then I really have nothing to say...

Ah... Another common 'misconception'... "Are they socialized?" Why do most people think that home-schooling equals seclusion? Does that mean that people who work from home don't know anyone? Or do they think that socializing means having tons of people giggling around you?

Anyway, my point is that I thought that "The 14 days of Home-Schooling" was a good parody with 'real' lyrics and a repetitive tune...


PS Thank you for the messages, they were really interesting.


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